Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Unleashing WEB 2.0

Preface xi
1 A Brief History of the Web
1.1 A new breed of applications: the rise of the Web
1.1.1 The arrival of the browser
1.1.2 The fl attening of the world
1.1.3 From linking to searching
1.1.4 Commercialization of the Web
1.1.5 Peer-to-peer networks and free fi le sharing

1.2 Technological developments in a nutshell
1.2.1 IP networking
1.2.2 HTML and XML
1.2.3 Web services and RSS

1.3 User participation and contribution: socialization of the Web
1.3.1 Blogs and wikis
1.3.2 Social networks

1.4 Merging the streams: the arrival of “Web 2.0”

2 A Review of the Technological Stream
2.1 Developments in Web technology
2.1.1 HTML
2.1.2 XML
2.1.3 CSS
2.1.4 Scripting technologies

2.2 Web applications of XML
2.2.1 Web services
2.2.2 Web feed formats

v i i
2.3 P2P
2.3.1 P2P fi le-sharing networks
2.3.2 Other P2P applications
2.4 Summary

3 Enabling Techniques and Technologies
3.1 Rich Internet Applications
3.1.1 Sample RIAs: e-mail applications
3.1.2 XMLHttpRequest, the link needed for Ajax
3.1.3 More RIAs: Offi ce and map applications
3.2 APIs, WPCs, and their mash-ups
3.2.1 The situation in Web 1.0
3.2.2 Content syndication with Web feeds
3.2.3 Mash-ups based on WPCs

3.3 Tagging
3.3.1 Flickr and tagging
3.3.2 Social bookmarking
3.3.3 Folksonomies
3.4 Summary

4 Sample Frameworks for Web
Application Development
4.1 Development methodologies
4.2 Client-side Ajax frameworks
4.2.1 Kabuki Ajax toolkit
4.2.2 Development of a Zimlet using AjaxTK
4.3 Server-side frameworks
4.3.1 Ruby on Rails
4.3.2 Creating a Web application with Rails
4.4 Frameworks for other RIA technologies
4.4.1 RIA development with OpenLaszlo
4.4.2 Flash versus Ajax
4.5 Summary

5 Impacts of the Next Generation of the Web
5.1 Business models for Internet and Web
5.1.1 Commission-based brokerage and merchants
5.1.2 Advertising
5.1.3 Information intermediaries
5.1.4 The community and the subscription models 249
5.1.5 Summary

v i i i CONTENTS
5.2 Data ownership
5.3 Software as a Service (SaaS)
5.3.1 A look back: the ASP model
5.3.2 The provider-oriented view
5.3.3 The consumer-oriented view and service customization

5.4 Socialization and cocreation of content
5.4.1 Social search
5.4.2 Social aspects of software
5.4.3 Impacts of online social networks
5.4.4 User-generated content in advertising

5.4.5 Second Life
5.5 Summary

6 The Semantic Web and Web 2.0
6.1 Basics
6.1.1 Search revisited
6.1.2 Data and information integration
6.1.3 The Semantic Web idea
6.1.4 The structure of the Semantic Web

6.2 Languages of the Semantic Web
6.2.1 The Resource Description Framework (RDF)
6.2.2 RDF Schema (RDFS)
6.2.3 Web Ontology Language (OWL)
6.3 Ontologies
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Design of an ontology
6.3.3 OntoMedia: an ontology-based personal entertainment system

6.4 From tagging to ontologies and back
6.4.1 Micro-formats
6.4.2 Collaborative tagging and folksonomies
6.5 Summary


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